Here are the rules for accepting this award:

2. Thank the person who gave it to me.
3. Link to the person who gave this to me.
4. Share a list of 7 things that you probably don't know about me.
5. Choose 7 great bloggers to give the award to.
6. Share a link to their blogs.
7. Leave a comment on their blog.
So, here are 7 things you probably don't know about me:
1. I used to work on cruise ships. I have worked on a total of 9 cruise ships for 4 different cruise lines: Carnival (Mardi Gras, Carnivale, Tropicale), Dolphin (SeaBreeze, OceanBreeze), Royal Olympic (Stella Solaris) and Norwegian (Norwegian Sky, Norwegian Sea and Norwegian Majesty).
2. Of all the places to which I have been fortunate enough to travel, my favorite is Ulvik, Norway. Here I am overlooking Hardanger Fjord in the hills above Ulvik (the ship I was working on at the time, the Norwegian Sky, is in the background).
3. I think the Ford Festiva was the best car ever made! I miss mine :(
4. My favorite flavor of ice cream is peanut butter. Chocolate/peanut butter will do in a pinch, I suppose.
5. I absolutely love liverwurst (aka. braunschweiger)!
6. I am fascinated by all things Indian (things from/of/about India, the country) and even started to learn Hindi. I could never carry on a conversation in the language but I could read and write Hindi pretty well (or so my Indian friends told me! Ha.)
7. We don't watch TV at our house. We enjoy watching movies but we have absolutely no television reception and don't miss it a bit.
I am passing the award on to these great bloggers:
1. Gemella Jewelry and her blog "Jewelry, Dogs, Cars, Guitars…Not Necessarily in That Order"
2. Christi over at "A Mommy's Joy"
3. Amariah Rauscher
4. Diane for "Saturday Finds"
5. Cynthia at "Shiny Little Things"
6. Clair of "PepperPi"
7. Karyn and her blog "Releases by Ruydoof"
Congratulations on your award. I enjoyed the 7 things no one knew about you and especially liked the links to your 7 favorite blogs. I have found a couple that I will follow as well. Thanks,