OK, I have to say that there are many things I am just NOT good at. Correspondence, staying organized (I'm great at GETTING organized - but staying that way? nope...), exercising, drinking enough water and using what's in my studio stash before buying more!! I'm probably not alone in the last one (and most likely have good company in some of the others, too).
Anyway, I bought these great clay tiles from an artist on Etsy over a YEAR ago! I wrapped them carefully and put them in a special spot so they wouldn't get damaged before I could use them in a wonderful piece of jewelry - and then I promptly got sidetracked and forgot about them.... Until today!! My studio (actually, a 4 x 8 foot closet which I like to romantically call a studio) had gotten so unmanageable that I decided to partake of an activity I AM good at - getting organized! It will be short-lived but it's always fairly amazing what I unearth when I re-organize. Today, it was the beautiful tiles from AGirlATorchAndAKiln. These are called "The Wave".

Now where is that glue...??
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